“Restore our past to build our future”
Preparatory actions for preserving and restoring cultural heritage in conflict areas in the Western Balkans for the year 2010 “Restore our past to build our future” .
"Assistance to primary education in Macedonia"
First project funded by the Italian Embassy in Skopje
“Archeological and touristic valorization of the Roman Forum of Stobi"
“Archeological and touristic valorization of the Roman Forum of Stobi”Funded by: Municipality of Palermo (I year) and Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (II year)
Read more: “Archeological and touristic valorization of the Roman Forum of Stobi"
“Citizens of Macedonia” A window on Active Citizenship"
“Citizens of Macedonia”
A window on Active Citizenship
“Citizens of Macedonia”
Read more: “Citizens of Macedonia” A window on Active Citizenship"
"Cross border local partnerships fighting Human Trafficking in MKD, AL and BiH”
IPA 2008 Programme – Civil Society Facility
“Cross border local partnerships fighting Human Trafficking in Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina”
Read more: "Cross border local partnerships fighting Human Trafficking in MKD, AL and BiH”