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The objective of the association is to favour cultural exchanges among different nations and social development within countries in the region of South East Europe . To this end, the association promotes in Republic of Macedonia  and abroad centres for meetings and cultural information exchanging,relationships between Italian cultural environments and those of other countries, above all those less developed, working with migrants coming from developing nations, to be able to help them, with appropriate initiatives, to insert themselves in the social and economic reality of our country.

The association proposes to favour, with its own interventions, social justice and an equal division of wealth, with a view to involving civil society in cooperating in development; moreover it works to reduce the inequality between men and women. With the aim to strengthen the capacity of its southern partners, the association adopts a professional approach in its own programs, which favours durability of its action.



- CISS Cooperazione Internazionale

Sud Sud


 - Ministry of education and science

  of the Republic of Macedonia

- Museum of Macedonia

- National Conservation Center Skopje

- HRO Tuzla

- SEMPER Bitola

- Emmanuel Mission Korca 

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