“Citizens of Macedonia” A window on Active Citizenship"

“Citizens of Macedonia”

A window on Active Citizenship

“Citizens of Macedonia”


Funded by: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Areas of intervention: Tetovo, Struga, Gevgelija, Negotino, Bogdanci, Valandovo 

Duration:  3 years /2008-2011

Partner: Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia 

Other institutional actors: 6 involved Municipalities and 8 secondary schools


Areas of intervention


Objectives of the project


To contribute to the improvement of the secondary education system of the Republic of Macedonia,  by introducing Citizenship Education’s best practices among youths from different linguistic and cultural origin in the involved Municipalities.

To collaborate with of the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science and the representatives of the local administrations, in order to improve their planning, management, monitoring and evaluation capacities  in the field of Citizenship Education. 

To contribute to the renovation of the buildings of the involved secondary schools.


Beneficiaries of the project


Students and Teachers of 8 secondary schools (Pejcinovik, N. Stejn, Mosa Piade in Tetovo; G. Delcev in Valandovo; N. Nestor in Struga; Kiril iMetodij in Negotino; Bogdanci in Bogdanci and J.Josifovski in Gevgelija)

Representatives of local administrations from 6 Municipalities

Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science



With the schools: 

5 workshops for 48 reference teachers on Citizenship Education, Intercultural Education, Cultural heritage valorisation and Environment protection

Workshops for a wider group of teachers and students on Citizenship Education and related subjects, in each involved school

Organization of the first Social Communication Festival (Macedonian Youth Spot Festival – MYSF) and creation of a web site dedicated to the Festival

Establishment of 3 youth associations  in charge to organize the Festival’s future editions

Exchange activities with Italians schools in Macedonia and Italy

Renovations works in the involved schools



With the local administrations and the communities:

2 Workshops on Citizenship Education for policy makers of the municipalities

Information and awareness campaigns in the local communities


With the Ministry of Education and Science:

Establishment of a working  group consisting of CISS project team and MES representatives 

Round tables on Citizenship Education, in order to draw up new Guidelines on Citizenship Education to be included in Macedonian’s secondary schools curricular and extra-curricular programmes


- CISS Cooperazione Internazionale

Sud Sud


 - Ministry of education and science

  of the Republic of Macedonia

- Museum of Macedonia

- National Conservation Center Skopje

- HRO Tuzla

- SEMPER Bitola

- Emmanuel Mission Korca 

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