"Assistance to primary education in Macedonia"
First project funded by the Italian Embassy in Skopje
Main activities:
Rehabilitation of school buildings
Provision of didactic material in Tetovo and nearby villages’ primary schools
Hospitality to Kosovo refuge
Assistance to primary education structures in the ex- provinces of Tetovo, Gevgelija and Valandovo
Funded by: Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Areas of intervention: Tetovo, Gevgelija, Valandovo
Duration: 3 years (2002 – 2005)
Partners: Ministry of Education and Science – Departments of Tetovo and Gevgelija
Direct beneficiaries: about 6.000 persons, among students and teachers
General objective
Contribute to the improvement of scholarization in the 17 comunes through the strenghtening of the efficiency of the 36 involved schools.
Specific objective
Improvement of the co-habitation and interaction between the youth coming from different linguistic and cultural roots of the Country, by means of the strenghtening of the capabilities of intervention of the primary schools.
1. Rehabilitation, renovations and securing works of school buildings
2. Provision of didactic material, sport equipment, and installation of computers
3. Workshops and trainings for the teachers
4. Animation activities for pupils
5. Exchange study