Social exclusion and discrimination practices in the secondary school system

Category: Sample Data-Articles
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The research is proposed in the framework of the Project “Model Human Rights Defender@School Project” funded by the European Union Delegation to the former Yougoslav Repubblic of Macedonia – Grant Agreement n. NEAR-TS/2015/370-442 and promoted by CISS/Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud and the Centre for Development and Improvement of Public Life (CDIPL).

The research targets secondary schools in different geographical areas of the country: in Tetovo, the gymnasium “K.Pejcinovik”, the medical school “N. Stejn” and the agrarian institute “Mosha Pijade”; in Valandovo the agrarian institute “G. Delcev”; in Struga the vocational training institute “N. Nestor”; in Negotino the school “Kiril i Metodij”; in Bogdanci the gymnasium “Bogdanci” and in Gevgelije the gymnasium “J.Josifovski”.

Objectives of the research

The main purpose of the research is investigating the level of wellbeing of students in the targeted secondary schools, in particular analysing the cases of HR violations affecting the students inside or outside the schools, in relation to the school environment. All dimensions of HR violations will be taken in consideration in each school in order to identify the priority areas of intervention in the field of prevention through HR education, and including the right to education itself.

The attitude and reactions of the relevant stakeholders to the emergence of HR violations affecting young people will be taken in proper consideration in the attempt to understand if systems of self-assessment are existing at school level and which kind of resilience mechanisms the local communities are adopting.


- CISS Cooperazione Internazionale

Sud Sud


 - Ministry of education and science

  of the Republic of Macedonia

- Museum of Macedonia

- National Conservation Center Skopje

- HRO Tuzla

- SEMPER Bitola

- Emmanuel Mission Korca 

- CDIPL Tetovo

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